
My name is Philip Kendall, and this is my blog about writing and eternal significance.

I was born in the French alps and spent my childhood in the city of Kankan, in West Africa. I grew up reading Redwall, The Boxcar Children and Magic Treehouse. Even before I could read and write, I was telling stories, using my toy cars and planes as the characters. I had written the first draft of a novel by the time I was fourteen.

I gave my life to Christ when I was three years old. Each year that followed, my obedience and love for God only grew. Now, my deepest desire is to be able to use the gift of writing He has given me to reveal His will to others.

This blog is focused on using the art of writing to further the cause of the Kingdom of God and to bring Him glory. God has given words power. This is especially true of scripture, but it is also true of the ordinary words we speak and write every day. I believe that every Christian writer’s primary goal should be finding ways to use this power to serve Him and bring glory to His name.

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